How Do I Make a Stronger Impact with My Resume?

Resumes are critically important. Hiring business leaders and organizations require a resume and look for standard formats they are used to, the truth in what they read and completeness of what their candidates present on the page.

You know that, that’s why you’re here.

Do you know how much stronger you can present yourself? You believe you have a strong resume yet wonder whether it could be better. We know it can be exponentially better in just 20 minutes and--in an hour with 30 minutes or an hour of follow up--orders of magnitude more compelling.

And if you don’t do anything about it, you accept less opportunity, less compensation, less influence using the resume you always have, the one your university career development center helped you create, or your colleagues, friends, or partner helped you write.

Your resume’s job is to transfer the best information about you so effortlessly (for the reviewer; you’ll have to put in some work), effectively and quickly from the page into the reviewer’s mind it will seem to them they simply absorbed it. It felt like no effort on their part!

The words are in the right places to be seen and not overlooked. Each sentence conveys more information about you than the sentence itself contains. Emphasis on achievements and an awareness of storytelling, among other things, help do this.

Written well, using Resume Optimization strategies and techniques, your resume speaks well for you when you’re not there, much better than the others competing with you. It convinces the reviewer and their colleagues to choose you.

Next post: I introduce the beginning concepts for how to write for fast reader absorption and more complete review of information.